So after a little discussion it was decided that they would would come over to our house and we would feast and celebrate together.
While I got the Turkey ready, and prepared some of the other food, Stephen and the children set the table,lit candles, and filled water cups.
At around 12:30, the Pollocks finally arrived, and we were ready for the fun to begin.
While Sarah helped me finish making rolls, Daniel and the parents sat around and talked, and the children all played games in the boys room.
Sarah and I joined in the games for a little while before going back to the Kitchen to finish the rest of the food.

We had Sweet Potato Sufflet'(our favorite part of Thanksgiving food),Mashed potatoes and gravy, Rolls, Cornbread stuffing, Cranberry gelatin salad, greenbeans, and of course Turkey.
During dinner we all had a wonderful time talking about different things, and thouroughly enjoyed being able to have fun and fellowship together.

We had quite a laugh seeing 6 or 7 cars lining the neighbors driveways,

Sarah commented on how this is the time of year most people are frantic because they have to cook a meal for 12 whole people!

humorous to think that wast what's normal for us is stressful for others.

We first tried playing a g

When we tired of that game, we started to play Mad Gab, then our mothers told us we needed to come into the living room so we could all play a few rounds of Catch Phrase, we always play boys against the girls,(and the girls happened to win every time).
After playing that for an hour and a half, we all voted on a new game, and the suggestion of Psychiatrist was agreed upon by all.

How to play:One or two people agree to be the Doctor(Psychiatrist) and leave the room, while the rest of the group come up with a problem,(problem meaning everyone thinks they're something or someone other than who they really are)
and the Doctors have to ask questions until they figure it out.
While everyone was thinking, Sarah and I served up the dessert.
When it was Sarah, and My turn, they were all their favorite piece of dessert.

When it was Stephen and Jonathans turn they really took it seriously, and even got outfitted for the occasion, with clipboards, note pads, and aprons, they had to figure out that we were all someone from the Puyallup Fair, and exactly which job we all had.
When it was Mom and Mrs. Pollocks turn we were all illegal immigrants.
When it was Pastor Pollock and Mrs. Pollocks turn, We were all the person on our left.
When it was Priscilla and Sarah's turn we were all different characters from the Reformation, and after Sarah figured that out, we made them state exactly which Character we were, I was John Tetzel, Stephen was Mary Queen of Scotts,David was Fredrich the wise, Daniel and Jonathan were both John Knox, Mom and Mrs. Pollock both chose to be Luthers wife, and Pastor Pollock was Pope Leo X, it was quite fun getting into our Characters and especially Mr. Pollock was the most humorous to listen to.

After loading everything into their van and saying our goodbyes, they departed and after talking over the events of the day we all retired to our beds and a good nights sleep.