Friday, November 2, 2007

We've received word that Dad should be home a month earlier than we first expected, somewhere around the first of February.
We are looking forward to our time of reunion after such a long time of seperation, but there certainly wont be an excessive amount of vacationing, why? well...

The Army has decided that 6 years in Washington is long enough, so as of March 2008, we will be on our way to another interesting and exciting family adventure....
Packing up, Moving, Saying Farewell to all our Washington friends and driving 3,000 miles from the West Coast of Washington, to the East Coast of Aberdeen, Maryland.

Our travels will take us through Spokane Wa, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and finally the Army Post of Aberdeen Proving Ground MD.
But thats not all!
After 2 years in Maryland: Finding a house, church, piano teacher, symphony etc.
we will be packing up again and moving down to the lovely state of Virginia, for a few years,
and after that?
who knows!
We are looking forward to the coming year and seeing what stories we'll have to tell by the end of it.:)
(be sure to stay tuned!)

1 comment:

  1. 22 comments:
    Melissa said...
    *tears* Now I guess we have to have a party ! what a shame !
    Hope you feel better soon, we missed you at church today !

    November 4, 2007 3:00 PM
    Sara N. Smith said...
    I so enjoyed reading about "you" in your profile....praise the Lord for young ladies who are serving their families and Jesus Christ with a joyful heart!
    From the latest post, it sounds like your family will be going through alot of change! Trusting that the Lord will give you grace and strength!!
    Blessings to you and your family!

    November 4, 2007 4:00 PM
    Simply Tiffany said...
    I read that y'all were moving on Stephen's blog. Will your dad be able to stay and help out? Or will they be shipping him off again?

    So, your list of states to pass through said Illinois...does that mean y'all can stop by and see us for a few days? We'd LOVE to have you...

    Give your family my love. Love ya!

    November 4, 2007 6:53 PM
    Anonymous said...
    What?! We have not even gotten together for a proper dance and you announce that you are leaving? How tacky! ; )

    November 4, 2007 8:32 PM
    Jacqueline said...
    I think we'll be needing to have quite a few "parties" before we leave... work parties:)

    I enjoyed reading yours as well, and thank you for the encouragement.
    Even though changes can be hard we are excited about the new adventures we will get to experience:)

    Dad will be staying with us from February till we leave in March, so we will all be driving together.
    And of course we'll have to come see y'all! thanks for the invite:)
    Love to y'all

    Annonymous(Rebekah I assume?)
    I guess you'll have to start making some plans!:)

    November 5, 2007 12:27 AM
    Cassandra said...
    *sobs, and tries to type though tears* Jacqueline, you are WAY too up-beat about leaving us... :*(
    Cassie, who's hoping it's all a wierd joke...

    November 5, 2007 10:14 AM
    Esther said...
    Yay...I guess I'm one of the only ones who is excited that you're moving to Aberdeen. Kind of weird you'll be easier to come visit in Maryland than Washington even though you're really only a 4 hour flight away right now! Oh and we were so sad to hear about Michael Billings.

    November 5, 2007 11:07 AM
    Jacqueline said...
    Cassie, no joke about it!
    Sorry to sound so unremorseful but hey, someone needs to make the best of it!
    we will miss y'all though:)

    November 5, 2007 12:24 PM
    Jacqueline said...
    It'll be fun to see y'all in the summers.
    I was very shocked when Daniel told me about Michael, it's amazing how quickly things like that can happen!
    Daniel just talked to him last week.

    November 5, 2007 12:27 PM
    Stephenb said...
    Personally, I'm surprised that there are any tears at all, as I will be one of the leaving party...

    November 5, 2007 12:39 PM
    thevaguequeen said...
    We're glad that Stephen is leaving of course, but the rest of you?! ;-) :Sigh:

    November 5, 2007 4:01 PM
    Melissa said...
    I don't think that our tears will be for you Stephen..maybe tears of joy (teasing).. I think the tears will be for your cute little brothers (Isaac and Kenny) and definitely for Cilla and Jacqueline and the Gigis and Josephine and you Mom and Dad !!

    So you can go plan you pitty party !

    November 5, 2007 4:34 PM
    Rebekah said...
    Hi Jacqueline! I was just reading through all your comments and noticed that you thought the "anonymous" one was from me. :) Well, I guess you're going to have to keep working at the mystery because it wasn't! :D Hope you're doing well!

    November 6, 2007 1:01 PM
    Jacqueline said...
    My deepest appologies for fasley accusing you,
    good thing I'm not a detective or other kind of law official!

    Is that you Miss Lightning?

    we'll miss y'all but you'll just have to come and visit us.

    Sorry to hear that Stephen will be leaving such an entourage of faithful friends:)

    November 6, 2007 6:20 PM
    Jacqueline said...
    your mind should be on more spiritually minded matters!:);)
    not the looks of my brothers(darling as they may be)

    November 6, 2007 6:23 PM
    Melissa said...
    I am !! in the Bible it says "Love your neighbor as yourself" right ?? well you might not be my neighbor but .....close enough ;)

    November 7, 2007 11:03 AM
    Hannah B. said...
    Hey! Just for the record....the anonymous was me..."Miss Lightening"

    November 7, 2007 11:58 AM
    Jacqueline said...
    well at least my second guess hit the mark of the guilty!

    November 7, 2007 6:15 PM
    SarahLyn said...
    Okay, now the happy news.....

    November 8, 2007 7:49 AM
    Hannah said...
    True, true

    November 8, 2007 8:30 AM
    TJ said...
    I pray your travels will be safe. Sounds like you and your family will definitely be busy in preparation. Looking at it as a new adventure is sure to make it fun.

    November 8, 2007 11:00 AM
    Jacqueline said...
    O.k I'll post on the happy news, soon:)

    I know.

    thank-you, thats what I think too
