Sunday, July 8, 2007

Independence Day

One of the best holidays of the summer, besides my birthday August 4th,
is July 4th Independence Day.On the actual day we went to our previous music teachers house, where we swam talked and ate, afterwards we went to our friends the Youngs house for church prayer meeting, fun, and fellowship, and to properly finish off the day, we went to Fort Lewis where we sat in the doorway of our very patriotic colored van and watched the grand firework show.
Saturday, we went to our friends the Bradricks Celebration of the fourth on their farm, where we ate, played: Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, had Three legged races , sack races, tug o' war, and baloon toss, talked to old aquantainces, and made new ones, and best of all, at the end of the day we sang Hymns arround the bonfire, before heading home.
All in all we had a great holiday, and the only thing that could have been better would have been to have Dad here to celebrate with us. me and Stephen in the three legged race
Sack race
Tug o' war

Thanks to my dear brother our water balloon popped in my face.

watching the water balloon fight, from a safe distance.

not so safe.
and all wet.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel said...

    Blogs are so much fun and I enjoyed looking thru yours! Keep the updates coming. :-) But hopefully I can start getting REAL life ones at church. ::smiles::
    July 9, 2007 6:55 PM
    Stephenb said...

    No volleyball? That's where I was ALL DAY! Well, maybe that is a bit of an overstatement, as I seem to be on the pictures quite a bit. About the waterballoon, I have discovered (through my scientific speculation/calculations) that it is the ladies method of catching, not the gentleman's method of throwing, that causes the balloon poppings. Sorry, but it's true.
    July 9, 2007 10:32 PM
    Daniel B said...

    Fantastic post and welcome to Blogger!

    By the way, I'd really like to meet your photographer.
    July 14, 2007 12:14 AM
    Jacqueline said...

    I don't know if you've ever my dear brother Daniel, but he's my photographer.
    July 16, 2007 12:58 PM
    Simply Tiffany said...


    I didn't know you had a blog!!!!!!!!! How cool! It looks like y'all had a fabulous Fourth. I didn't get many photos from ours because I was too busy chatting with my sister. :)

    Nice tea party pictures, too. I'll have to be sure to show those the guys around here and see if they can match your standards...but I'm not counting on it. lol
    July 22, 2007 3:45 PM
