This is something that all the children like to help with, especially the taste-testing part.
Last Saturday all my little helpers each had their own important jobs,
Isaac, Josephine, and Gabriella, helped hull the strawberries while Kenneth- Lee smashed them, and I read the directions while Abigail
After it was put into the jars, Isaac was in charge of putting the seals and lids on, and finally when all was finished, Stephen came in to help taste-test.
The result was two empty jars, and a lot of sticky faces, but also a lot of
Stephenb said...
ReplyDeleteI must say that my tast testing was that of a different kind, in my own defense. I am the one who grades the cooking - gives 1,2,3,4, or five stars. Although I DID take a little more than half a teaspoon...
July 3, 2007 8:53 PM
SarahLyn said...
Looks like you all had a great time! I hope you made enough jam for the freezer too!
July 4, 2007 1:17 PM
The Starry-eyed Dreamer said...
The blog looks great, Jacqueline! As does the Jam! : D So you have a "16 year old brother" edition "jam tester" too. I sometimes wonder wheather "tasting" the same batch in several times is really necissary to get an accurate reading... : D
July 6, 2007 11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
I must say,it only tasted so good for only one reson.I helped .
great pictures !
July 6, 2007 12:00 PM
AshleyA said...
Hey! Looks like you've been having fun in the kitchen. Homemade jam is my favorite and is especially tastey when it is made with lots of little, helpful hands. That is when it is truly at it's best.;)
July 8, 2007 3:24 AM