A few weekends ago two of my dear friends Tara and Kelly Riddell, held a "Maidens Quest" Retreat in Renton and asked me to be their Pianist. Priscilla and I went and we had a wonderful time.
The Burwell family graciously offered to host us at their house, so that it would be easier to get to the church instead of having to travel back and forth each night.
The last day of the conference had different elective sessions: Napkin folding, Corsage design, Hair braiding, and Natural beauty.
Priscilla wanted to do the latter so we both went and made different natural "potions" like elbow scrub, hand exfoliant, and other interesting things.
After everything was over and we had all the conference things packed, we went out to dinner at a Thai restaraunt.
We all decided just to let Mr. Riddell pick and order everything, and by the end of the meal we were pretty sure he'd just about ordered everything on the menu because just as we thought we were finished, the waitress would bring out another platter, and after we had passed it around and finished, out came another, and another, and another, and another......( I think you get the point) it gave us all quite a laugh especially because she would put it right in front of Tara so there was quite a long line of (11)platters in front of her plate.
The next morning being Sunday we went to the Burwells church, and after the early church service visited Starbucks for breakfast.
After Sunday School, we went back to their house where we all got changed to go to Alki (the beach in Seattle)
After eating, we walked up and down the beach and took lots of pictures then Daniel came to take Me and Sill home. We stayed and talked for a while, walked to Starbucks, had fellowship for another hour or so, then we finally made our way home.
(If your wondering why we did so much eating well: The Riddells, Burwells, and Rebsch's are all from Texas, and we're from Oklahoma so.... must be a Southern thing.)
ReplyDeleteJoseph said...
The picture you have of me...man! Couldn't you have done any better than that?
October 7, 2007 5:38 PM
HannahGirl said...
Ahhh...finally we have made our debut! Fun times, dear! Hope to see you soon...
October 7, 2007 5:41 PM
Kate said...
Jacqueline-It's so funny that you know Tara...I went through Excel (the 8 week long ATI program in Texas) with her two years ago!
October 7, 2007 6:55 PM
Jacqueline said...
Kate I never knew that,
were you at church when they visited?
October 7, 2007 11:19 PM
Jacqueline said...
Sorry,I don't take pictures of guys, and thats what you look like:)
October 7, 2007 11:22 PM
Jessica NicDhòmhnaill said...
Wow, it's such a small world! :D We know both the Riddells and the Rebsch's!! :D
Looks like y'all had fun! :)
~jessica mcdonald (Tiffany's younger sister :D)
October 8, 2007 7:32 AM
Kate said...
No, I must have been gone that week.
October 8, 2007 7:36 AM
Jacqueline said...
Jessica, thats what Tara told me.
She said y'all grew up together, and had lots of fun and good memories:)
(seems to be what girls do best!)
October 8, 2007 10:41 AM
Esther said...
Hello Jacqueline,
this is Esther Zimmerman (Tait's sister). I didn't realize you had a blog until just now and I've really enjoyed looking at the pictures you have posted. =)
Our family blog is xanga.com/zimmermanfamily and my blog is xanga.com/estherzimmerman (so you'd have to have an account there to see it) and I also post everything to facebook if you have that. It would be really neat to be able to get to know you!
Oh, and happy belated birthday!
God Bless!
October 8, 2007 8:11 PM
Jacqueline said...
Thanks Esther,
great to hear from another intern's sister.
I'll check out y'alls blogs, glad you enjoyed reading mine.
Blessings to you,
October 8, 2007 9:49 PM
Esther said...
I just sent you a friend invite from my blogs...not sure how familiar you are with xanga but, you can 'subscribe' and get updates in your email. Anywho...thanks and see you around!
October 8, 2007 10:15 PM
rachel said...
Love that jumper on you, dear in the last few pictures. Did you make it?! Can't wait to spend the weekend with you! I am sorry we didn't get a chance to talk Sunday. Love you!!!
October 10, 2007 12:40 PM
Jacqueline said...
No I didn't make it I borrowed it from Sarah Burwell, but I made one just like it.
Looking forward to class
October 10, 2007 12:47 PM
Stephenb said...
I saw nothing on the martyr that you left behind to cook, clean, miss music practice, ect.
Perhaps I simply misread the post -or perhaps you will (of course) make a separate post of all my miseries. But of course.
October 10, 2007 12:52 PM
Jacqueline said...
yes I must let you all know, that since I was gone on Sunday, and Mother was sick, Daniel and Stephen got all the children ready for church including:ironing clothes, shoes, socks, hair, Breakfast,amd Stephen played the piano for me since it was my Sunday to play. Brothers, what would I do without them?
October 10, 2007 1:05 PM
Hannahgirl said...
Yes! You are a wonderful brother, Stephen, to do all that for your sisters! Thanks for sparing them to us for a few days! :)
October 11, 2007 4:14 PM
Katie said...
Hey, I recognize all those lovely people. :) Happy days.
October 11, 2007 9:21 PM
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