On Thursday Daniel took her to Chuck E Cheese, The Dollar Store(her very favorite shopping place), Starbucks, and lastly the Capitol so that Brian could do a photo shoot.
After breakfast and getting dressed for the day, Daniel helped her make an Angel Food Cake, with Strawberries, then they sat in front of the oven and watched it bake.
October 19th also happened to be the date that Mikal and Stephanie chose for their wedding,
(Mikal is the son of moms oldest friend Josephine Gross.)
Mom and Josephine met in the 7th grade in Germany where both of their Fathers were stationed in the Army.
The wedding was at 6:00 in the evening and not really a family event so as it was Jo's birthday she got to choose who went.
It was held in Seattle and traffic is usually pretty bad as well as directions, (we usually get lost there because a lot of the streets are named the same except for a distinctive "N" or "S" to mark the difference,) so at 3:30 Mom, Sill, Jo, and I were on our way.
We only took one wrong turn (because the name was the same as the directions) but after hitting a dead end, figured out which way to go.
After the wedding Ceremony we drove a few blocks to the reception, which was decorated with Red Roses, tea candles, and little white boxes with truffles.
Mrs. Josephine had told all her friends that it was "Little Miss Josephine's" Birthday and introduced her to so many people that Jo was exausted from greeting people.
After dinner we stayed for an hour or two so mom and Josephine could talk, then around 10:30 said our goodbyes and home we went.
ReplyDeleteMelissa said...
Can't wait for pictures !! I agree Seattle is a VERY confusing place
October 25, 2007 6:25 PM
Esther said...
I used to love to go to Chuck E Cheese for my birthday too...dollar stores...a kid's dream...all that stuff! Waffles, whip cream and strawberries! Yummy! Tell Josephine that I (that she doesn't know) say happy belated b.day!! Looking forward to pictures...
October 28, 2007 1:14 PM
Esther said...
Oh my goodness she is the sweetest, cutest, wonderfulest little thing and I love her!!! Can't wait to one day meet her. I thought of her today when I was drinking my starbucks coffee. =) I loved all of the pictures.
November 1, 2007 12:39 AM
Jacqueline said...
She said to say "Hi" and "thanks for saying that"
she's definately our little Princess.
November 1, 2007 7:06 PM
Melissa said...
Josephine is pretty much every one's little princess !
November 2, 2007 5:18 PM
~ Renée ~ said...
Hi Jacqueline,
Your brother has been talking to my brother and I hope you can stop by for a visit in the spring! I have enjoyed reading on your blog about your activities with your sisters and brothers, and it would be great to meet you:-) (We met Daniel on the Faith and Freedom Tour last year.)
November 2, 2007 5:58 PM
Jacqueline said...
Thanks Renee,
Good to hear from you.
We are looking forward to meeting y'all next year as we travel through the states.
November 2, 2007 11:35 PM