This past Weekend, Rachel, and Jaime Rowland, Katy Sterland, and I attended our second class for becoming Certified Nutritionists.
Among some of the homework in our Anatomy Book, I really enjoyed learning about Chemistry: the atomic number of different atoms, the formulas for each molecule, and the structure of protons, neutrons, and electrons, among many other things.
We have class every other month from 8:30-6:30.
After they taught us each one we had to practice on each other, Jaime practiced her palpating(gentle pressure) on me and Katy, and after poking and tickling me I told her she needed to work on her "gentle touch."
Katy thought we should all eat ice-cream so that we could be good class examples of bad blood sugar handling, well her plan worked because when they palpated my pancreas it was a little painful, but nothing extreme.
After practicing those tests the teacher asked who all had Adrenal failure, it turned out to be everyone except for me.
After all our practicing we had an hour more of lectures, then they told us our homework assignments for the January class, and we were able to go home.
ReplyDeleteJackie said...
Hi Jacqueline!
I've enjoyed looking on your blog. (As I read your profile, I noticed that you play the violin. Do you play classical or fiddle? I've played piano for six years and fiddle for two.)
Have a wonderful day! Ü
December 14, 2007 11:21 AM
thevaguequeen said...
The pictures aren't working for me. :-P Could you email them to me?
I think you're just overly sensitive. No one else complained. ;-)
December 14, 2007 11:31 AM
Sill said...
Well Jamie, it souds like you need a lot more practice on more then just your "gentle touch". How about the fact that you still have not given up thinking that you need a cup of coffee with every meal you eat!!
I understand that you are one of the worst students.
any way,y'all are doing a great job,I know I would never be able to stand doing all this stuff,y'all leave me in the dust with all your intellegence!!
I think I'll just stick with being one of your test dummies:)
(thats what I'm good at)
December 14, 2007 11:46 AM
Jacqueline said...
How do you spell your name?
I play classical violin but like fiddling too, I've been playing violin for 2 years and piano for 5.
My brother and I have a recital tomorrow, I'll be playing Chopin's Nocturne in C# Minor on piano, and a concerto by Perlman on the violin.
Thanks for reading.
December 14, 2007 11:53 AM
Jacqueline said...
Yes I'll e-mail them to you.
I'm not oversensitive, no one else complained becuse I already informed you to be more gentle.
yes if it wasn't for you I wouldn't get all my practicing homework finished, who else could I get to taste all the supplements?
December 14, 2007 11:56 AM
Jackie said...
In answer to your question, my name is Jackie Kilian and I'm 14 years old. My wonderful parents, five siblings, and I live in Sunnyside, WA, where we farm grapes, apples, pears, and asparagus. (Just in case you were wondering...Ü)
Wishing you and your brother the best for your recital.
Merry "Christ"mas!
December 14, 2007 3:00 PM
Melissa said...
I just wanted to let you know that while ya'll were being heathens not coming to church I had 5 colors on my plate ;) We missed ya'll on Sunday !
December 14, 2007 3:27 PM
KaitlinL said...
Wow, I didn't know you were taking classes in nutrition. Thats really neat!
I would be interested to learn more about these certification classes. I have a friend that has been looking for something like this.
I have so much fun reading updates on your blog. Thanks for sharing!
By the way, I'm sorry your orchestra concert was canceled. I was looking forward to it. Let me know when your having the next one!
December 14, 2007 10:34 PM
thevaguequeen said...
Actually, Priscilla, you'll be happy to learn that I haven't wanted coffee this week, and haven't had it much at all. It's weird. Not sure what's going on.
December 15, 2007 3:11 PM
Hannah B. said...
Fun, fun! I have been looking into some classes (since I have emailing ya!)...hopefully a little closer to where I live though. I've done several years of I think it would be really neat to add this to my 'bag of tricks'. :)
Go Jacqueline!!!!
December 16, 2007 10:44 AM
TJ said...
Sounds like wonderful skills to have! I have learned so much about diabetes the hard way, being married to a type 1 diabetic for over 7 years.
Looks like you have a couple of us from the Eastside of WA reading your blog. I'm just a half hour away from Jackie.
December 18, 2007 9:23 AM
Jacqueline said...
good for you!
I'd be glad to e-mail you all the information,it's a really great class and very applicable.
The next concert is February 3rd, hope you'll be able to come!
Oh I know about you and your bag of tricks!:)
I heard from Brian that you were assistant to the midwife that delivered Benjamin, I hope you are able to take the class I know you'd enjoy it.
That's very interesting.
Diabetes runs in our family history, my moms dad and sister both had it and a few others,so I've been able to learn about it both firsthand and in class.
Glad you enjoy reading.
December 19, 2007 10:17 AM
Hannah B. said...
Yeah, I was there when Benjamin was born..that seems like SOOO long ago.:) (that was back when I didn't know all that much...brain power has improved since then! Thank goodness!)
December 19, 2007 1:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Jacqueline,i think your friend on the picture Jamie needs a little help on Nutritional Therapist Training Program.good work on your blog,
well bye
February 13, 2008 7:14 PM