One of our Christmas Eve traditions that started when mom was growing up, is to have Waffles, with strawberries and whip cream, sausage, eggs, bacon, eggnog, and orange juice, for dinner.
It usually takes about an hour to make enough waffles for everyone because we only have one waffle iron, so this year mom, and Stephen went and bought 3 more, and with all 4 going we had 17 hot waffles in about 15 minutes.
Dad called during dinner, and we discussed girl names for the baby, we couldn't agree on any so we had to stop, but a few we came up with were: Clarissa, Elisabeth, Eliza, Ruby, Alexis, and Catherine.
After dinner everyone opened a present and we all played with the games we had gotten.
On Christmas morning, we had our traditional: Cinnamon rolls, eggs, and cocoa with whip cream, then after an hour of everyone getting dressed and ready, we opened our presents.
About a month before Christmas everyone draws a name of who to buy presents for, and this year I had Kenneth- Lee.
He loves to draw, paint, and color, so I got him: Markers, 72 different colored pencils, paint brushes, two books full of graphing paper, and a metal chest to put it all in.
When all the presents had been opened, we played games, and tried out our new gifts for a few hours, before our friends the Bryans came over.
Everyone had a great time of playing: Catch Phrase, Dominoes, and Cosmic Catch, before dinner was finally ready.
After dinner Leanne and I played Chutes and Ladders with the children, while the boys washed dishes, and the parents talked.
A little while later we played 3 full rounds of Dutch Blitz(a card game) a full round is when someone reaches 100 points, we played with two people on each team and my team won every time.
After games, we had pumpkin pie which the twins had made, and at around 10:30 it was time for the Bryans to leave.
Dad called again and talked for a little while, and after putting the children to bed, we olders played an inside game of catch that Daniel had gotten for me.
We all had a wonderful day, but are looking forward to an even better Christmas next year, with Dad and the new baby!
ReplyDeleteRebekah said...
Hi Jacqueline! It looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Your Christmas Eve dinner tradition sounds really, really good. :D
December 27, 2007 11:11 PM
SarahLyn said...
Looks like you all had a wonderful time! I love the picture of Mrs. Bryan laughing! That is soooo her! Talk to you soon!
December 27, 2007 11:24 PM
Jacqueline said...
Yes we really like it!
Hope y'alls Christmas was wonderful.
She would laugh every time I was about to take a picture, but she didn't even know that I had her in the shot.
Of course Mrs. Bryan is always laughing any way!
December 28, 2007 12:25 AM
Benjamin said...
I really enjoyed all the pictures of your fine family, the food must have been great (I'm afraid my brother Jonathan wouldn't agree with the eggnog however... :). Have a wonderful holiday and a blessed New Year!
December 28, 2007 10:24 AM
TJ said...
It looks like you all had a great time Christmas. Thank you for sharing all the lovely photos!
I love the matching dresses. I'm guessing the younger girls enjoy dressing like the older? I made an attempt to get Kaia into an outfit that matched (not mine, just tights and dress), but failed miserably. She wore a floral dress with red, blue, yellow and white striped tights most of the day!
December 28, 2007 11:01 AM
FitzClan said...
Oh, it looks beautiful! We haven't had our Christmas yet, since Mom, my sister, and my baby sister are in California for sudden medical reasons for the baby. We're having ours on New Year's, though!
Did ya'll have snow for Christmas? I know Seattle got some snow! Our Christmas was about 65 degrees. : )
Merry Christmas!
December 28, 2007 5:56 PM
~A joyful daughter of the King~ said...
I love all the picture Jacqueline! Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! And your Momma is really beginning to show! She looks so cute! :-)
Sarah C.
December 28, 2007 6:44 PM
Katie said...
Merry Christmas!:) Gorgeous pictures--I especially liked the group shots in front of the tree and I watched the whole slide show. :)
December 28, 2007 7:45 PM
Jacqueline said...
I'm afraid that I have to agree with Jonathan about the eggnog, I've never liked it either, especially when you find out that it's raw eggs you're drinking.
Hope y'all have a very happy new year.
Yes the younger girls always love to match me and Sill, even with night-gowns.
I made all the girls dresses a few weeks before Christmas, so they were early Christmas presents.
We got an hour or two of snow showers,it was really pretty but nothing stuck.
I hope your baby sister gets better!
We're going to celebrate with Dad when he gets home at the end of January too, we sent him a few packages over there, but we have a few more that he get to open.
Have a wonderful Christmas Celebration.
we never do anything without taking at least a hundred pictures!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
December 29, 2007 12:51 PM
Jacqueline said...
Sara C:
Thank- you.
I love to see her belly start growing:)we did our first shopping for the baby, we went to Gymboree and bought about 15 different pink dresses and outfits it was so much fun!!!
I just can't wait to see her in them all!
December 29, 2007 12:55 PM
Sara N. Smith said...
Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. I loved all the pictures and your dresses are lovely!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Years!!
December 29, 2007 12:58 PM
FitzClan said...
Have you ever made homemade eggnog? That's actually what I'm heading downstairs to do as soon as I'm done with this comment. It tastes very similar to store-bought eggnog, but not quite exactly. We usually make it with raw sugar and raw milk. Oh, and actually you do cook the eggs. You cook the sugar, milk, and egg yolks all together until it thickens slightly, then put the pan in ice water and stir for two minutes. Then, you add the cream (which we skim from the top of our whole raw milk). Mmmmm! It's good!
December 29, 2007 1:39 PM
Gabriella said...
Hey, I think that your post is very nice. I liked the Christmas pictures especially.
December 29, 2007 2:08 PM
Stephen B said...
I'm sure that we have at least a three year supply already, at least, with all the shopping thats been going on.
December 29, 2007 2:11 PM
Jacqueline said...
Sara S:
Thanks and Happy New Years to you too!
That sounds like a lot of work but fun.
I'm very glad to hear that the eggs are cooked, I wont say which brother of mine told me otherwise:)
Thank you, I love you:)
Love, Nanny
You can never have too many girl clothes;)
December 29, 2007 10:36 PM
Hannah B. said...
Hey! Y'all look beautiful! Someone took a lot of time to make all those dresses. :) Love ya.
December 30, 2007 1:51 PM
Melissa said...
Looks like fun !! Dad wants to know why don't you ever invite us over ? We are the sick ones, Dads *rolls eyes*
We/I want to invite ya'll over sometime (in 1-2 weeks) so see Mandie and eat dinner ! We shall make a party out of it ! Pollocks are you game too ?? Sorry Youngs we can only do 2 families at a time ! Ya'll can come over some other time ! :)
December 31, 2007 2:58 PM
Jacqueline said...
Because y'all always have family for the holidays.
( I didn't know you were sick too;)
Sounds good to me, make sure your parents are fine before you make any plans!:)
January 1, 2008 2:14 PM
Melissa said...
Thanks what we (Mom and I) told him !! I'm not sick !! Just Dad ! :) I think that we are planing to have ya'll over sometime this month ! We'll see ! :)
January 1, 2008 2:26 PM
Jacqueline said...
O.K sounds like fun:)
January 3, 2008 6:48 PM
SarahLyn said...
Hey Melissa,
Sounds like fun! Count us in! Let us know what time, when and what can we bring? Actually, Jacqueline and I could arrange and bring the food and all you and your family would have to do is clean the house! Sound like a plan? What do ya think Jacqueline?
January 5, 2008 12:31 PM
Jacqueline said...
Sounds good to me:)!
January 5, 2008 5:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Jacqueline,Looks like your famly had a wonderful Christmas.
March 9, 2008 6:30 PM