After a year and a half of being away, Dad has finally finished all of his overseas duties, and has returned home.
He was scheduled to fly in yesterday, at 11:00 but called us that evening and said that due to plane problems his flight was canceled.
We were all pretty disappointed especially mom, but he called this morning at 5:00 and said that he had landed in the States, and would be landing at the Sea-Tac, airport around 11:15.
We thought that mom would be the only one going to pick him up since Daniel was at work and couldn't take the rest of us, but we called him and Brian graciously let him go.
When we walked into the airport we were reading the arrivals sign and trying to figure out where he would be and which baggage claim we should go to, then as we turned around we saw someone that looked like him coming up behind us, and Sill started running towards him then looked again and said "that's not him" it was, he just looked a little different with a mustache!
Mom hadn't arrived yet so he went to change back into his uniform before she got there, then we all had a joyous reunion.
After walking mom and dad to their car we loaded up in the van and came home.
They will be staying in a Hotel for the next 2 days before returning home.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, we appreciate all of your care and love.
May the Lord bless you all for being faithful friends.
(Mom and Dad have the camera so I can't upload the pictures till they get home:)