Why God Made Little Boys
"God made a world out of his dreams.
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams,
Prairies and plains and wooded land.
Then paused and thought"I need someone to stand,
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas,
Someone to start out small and grow,
Sturdy and strong like a tree" and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun.
To explore, and conquer, to romp and run,
With dirty faces and banged up chins.
With couragous hearts and boyish grins.
And when He had completed the task He'd begun,
He surely said "That's a job well done."~ Arthur Knight
Every Year after Thanksgiving, Isaacs Birthday marks the beginning of our celebrations of the boys birthdays.
November 23, we celebrated Isaac's 4th Birthday.
We made him Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, and he talked to Dad on the phone while he opened one of his presents.
We asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he said we should put up the Christmas Tree, so Stephen and the twins brought down all the decorations and we got everything ready for Christmas.
Later in the afternoon, Mom Sill and I, went shopping for his gifts and birthday movie, and after his nap he opened them.
Out of all the gifts he got, his favorite was the camouflage pajamas, and slippers.
We made him Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, and he talked to Dad on the phone while he opened one of his presents.
We asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he said we should put up the Christmas Tree, so Stephen and the twins brought down all the decorations and we got everything ready for Christmas.
Later in the afternoon, Mom Sill and I, went shopping for his gifts and birthday movie, and after his nap he opened them.
Out of all the gifts he got, his favorite was the camouflage pajamas, and slippers.
He was so excited he said"this is what I've been waiting for my whole life, now I can match daddy"
Daniel Stephen and I stayed up till 10:00 putting together his Lego castle, and Isaac helped until he finally got so tired he fell asleep.
Daniel Stephen and I stayed up till 10:00 putting together his Lego castle, and Isaac helped until he finally got so tired he fell asleep.
December 3rd, the week after Isaacs Birthday was Stephens 17th.
Thursday after breakfast, Mom took him shopping and out to dinner.
On Friday he opened up his presents, a few of his favorites were: Purple French Cuff shirt with Cuff Links, and Purple tie (yes my brothers believe in wearing purple), Orange Ski jacket, and gloves.
Daniel rented "The Last Samuri" one of Stephens favorite movies, and after the children went to bed we watched it, and had popcorn.
January 7th, was Kenneth Lees 8th Birthday, as it happened to be on a Monday nights we had Symphony Practice.
While we practiced Daniel took him to the warehouse (our filming location for next week) and after we finished we took him to Dairy Queen, and got him a Blizzard.
Tuesday after breakfast he opened presents, his favorites were a Lego castle, and a BB gun.
Later in the afternoon, mom took him shopping and to "The Keg" his favorite steakhouse.
While they were gone we decided that we needed a little fun too, and had a tea party.
I made Salad, Chicken filled cream puffs, and Puff pastry, and Priscilla made Chocolate Pudding.
After eating we watched 1/2 an hour of the 1995 Pride and Prejudice, then finished the evening with a few english country dances.
The next morning we woke up to snow so Stephen got out everyones snow clothes, and I took them outside to make snow forts and have snowball fights.
I'll post pictures later.
ReplyDeleteTJ said...
I love what Isaac said about his gift! Kaia said something very similar about all of her 4th birthday gifts. "Wow, thank you! It's what I always wanted!"
To have the wonder and amazement at each gift just like a 4 year old. Really makes you take to heart Jesus' desire for us to be like children.
January 23, 2008 4:40 PM
Melissa said...
Happy late birthday guys !
Hey you never posted about the great time we had !
January 24, 2008 8:22 AM
Jacqueline said...
It sure does:)
I will, just haven't gotten around to it yet.:)
January 24, 2008 9:02 AM
Hannah said...
Fun, fun! Glad you posted...
January 24, 2008 8:44 PM
da' Ally cat said...
I love the pictures,are you into art?
January 29, 2008 5:30 PM
Jacqueline said...
Yes, I like art, but I'm not all that great at drawing. :)
January 30, 2008 3:24 PM