Leanne gave us a tour of the house, then we talked for a while in her room before the boys came and asked us to play games with them.
After our 2nd round it was time to help get dinner ready, Mrs. Bryan made Chicken Catchetorie, and Leanne made salad.
After Dinner and dishes, we watched a short movie and had ice-cream, then we talked for a while longer before it was time to go.
Priscilla and Leanne thought that it was New Years Eve, so 9:00 seemed early, then they went and looked at the calendar and saw that they were a day off.
New Years Eve mom called and invited the Pollocks over, thankfully Pastor was feeling well enough so that they were able to come.
They brought Chicken, Potatoes, and apple crisp, and I made Rolls, Roast, greenbeans, carrots, and broccoli salad.

Sarah and I had fun grilling the chicken on the porch, even though it was freezing cold out there.
Daniel thought we wouldn't have enough propane to grill it all, so he and half of the boys piled into the truck, and headed off to town to get the other propane tank filled.
We were finishing the last pieces just as they got back, but they had a fun trip anyway.

After dinner, and cleanup, the children played restaraunt, while the rest of us played Dutch Blitz.
Abigail and Esther were the youngest on a team but age has no limits around here, and they were the first to reach 100 points, winning the whole round.

Even though the parents had planned on leaving at a decent hour, they stayed till 11:30, and we decided that it was already the New Year in half of the States so it would be fine if they left a little before midnight.
After they left we put the Children to bed then waited up a little while longer and after the clock rang, we all went to bed.

Every year she sends the boys one, but this year she went to every store in Oklahoma City, and got us all one, so we wore them to honor all her efforts.

Have a blessed, and a wonderful New Year!
ReplyDeleteStephenb said...
In case you didn't know, proper psychiatrists dress up as medical doctors when they are on the job, making their customers feel secure in that they are in the hands of capable, qualified, friendly, caring people. (Jonathan and myself)
November 26, 2007 1:48 PM
Sara N. Smith said...
Seems like you all had a grand time and a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Wishing you blessings as we approach the Christmas season!
November 26, 2007 5:16 PM
SarahLyn said...
Yes, we all had a wonderful time! So glad we invited you all! :) Although Stephen, I didn't think Jonathan and your costumes made anyone feel secure! Wish Jacqueline had a picture of you two!
November 28, 2007 8:45 AM
Melissa said...
Sounds like fun! All the food sounds divine... maybe even to "die" for :P LOL... I guess for my Dad it would be literally !
We should have you over some time to have dinner and play Psychiatrist...... maybe for my Mom's birthday ..... maybe I should ask my parents before I start planing :)
Stephen, I think you would have scared the wits out of me if you were my psychiatrist !!! Not that I need one......well then again :)
November 28, 2007 3:26 PM
Jacqueline said...
Sorry for the lack of pictures of the two comforting Doctors, the battery died just as I was about to take one(much to my disappointment).
December 3, 2007 2:19 PM
Sill said...
I'm not trying to rub it in but,we had quite the day wouldn't you say Sarah? That was a great day,to bad we won't be here next year. Unless... y'all want to come and visit!:)
December 3, 2007 2:59 PM
SarahLyn said...
Yes Priscilla! It was a great day! I like the idea of visiting you all next year for Thanksgiving also! I guess we should start planning....
December 4, 2007 12:52 PM
Fiddling Scotsman said...
Jacqueline, you hit the nail right on the head. Stephen and I were the most comforting doctors! Anybody looking as professional as Stephen and I would have to be the most comforting!!!
December 4, 2007 1:15 PM